
He selects unique pieces of wood, designs the design of the lamp and technically processes the lamp into a final and functional form.


She likes to walk in the forest and look for unique pieces of wood, participates in the design of lamps and communicates on social networks.


It deals with the sale and distribution of lamps to Belgium, France and the Netherlands, guarantees quality and customer satisfaction.

We are lucky in life that our work is also our relaxation, joy with a beautiful and useful result. Through creativity, we can get closer to a better future, and we strive for that every day. We replaced the classic office with a new creative workshop, where we try everything possible and impossible with lamps.

We exchanged sedentary work for walks in the forest, we ended the 8-hour working hours at the computer - now we have a new, creative one with light, design and natural materials. We exchanged pen, paper, and calculator for drills, grinders, sandpapers, and screwdrivers.

Every day we learn new things about working with wood and other materials, about marketing and sales, taking better photos, more sensitively estimating the design of lamps. It's not always easy, it's not always 100%, but our effort is to bring unique and quality lamps into people's lives. 

Thank you for following us and for your support.

Juraj a Lenka


Kopčianska 1226/78
851 01 Bratislava
Slovenská republika

IČO: 46571914
DIČ: 2023554940

+421 905 296 054

